Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Advantages of E-Commerce

1. Location neutral - A fantastic advantage of ecommerce
How often have you heard the words "Location, location, location"? The first advantage of ecommerce is that it is location neutral. Every website is at a prime location and your customer only has to travel the distance of a single mouse click to reach you.
2. No need for supervisors and cashiers - ecommerce has a big cost advantage
An online store or online office does not need a separate set of supervisors or cashiers. At the most it needs one person monitoring the sales. Everything happens in a neat and orderly fashion. In fact, you can open as many online stores as you like for less than 5% of what it takes to set up a brick and mortar store or office.
3. Open 24 x 7, 365 days of the year - ecommerce does not take a break
You may be asleep but in other parts of the World, customers are awake and busy shopping. Ecommerce search engine optimization lets you take full advantage of this.
4. Go international from day one. Electronic commerce internationalizes your trade in an instant!
You've heard the term "global village" being bounced around by all and sundry. But did you know of its connection with your trade? By setting up an online store or online office, you reach out to customers irrespective of their location on the globe. For all practical purposes, you and your customers live in a village - a global village on an international scale. The advantage of ecommerce web site solutions truly boggles the mind.
5. Look Ma, no paper, no storage but I got money in the bank - Advantage of magic in ecommerce
Your online store emails you the orders; you collect them and email your suppliers the packing slips. Your suppliers ship out the orders. You don't have to stock anything and can be as paperless as you like. Even your cash is collected directly by your bank which emails you a monthly statement.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5736965

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